Saturday 14 April 2018

200 soldiers killed by Russian airstrike in East Ghouta

This is revenge for the American action in which the Americans killed up to 200 Russians in airstrikes.

You have to ask what 200 American troops along with 1800 private contractors were doing in East Ghouta.

This story, found by Hal Turner comes from what I take to be a Russian blog (as opposed to conventional media).

There are many contadictory stories in war - the 'fog of war' - some credible, others not. Previous stories like this have proven to be true.
200 American Troops KILLED in Syria - along with 1800 more PMC's

13 April, 2018

Two hundred American military troops have reportedly been killed in Syria along with approximately 1,800 American Private Military Contractors (PMC's)  by Russian air strikes, according to reports from two Russian news outlets: and   The dead Americans were "revenge" for the Russian guys who died as a result of the American shelling reported in US media at the end of February.

The American Troops and Contractors were allegedly participating in Rebel activities to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, but were killed by fifth generation aircraft SU-57 air strikes on the east Ghouta area outside Damascus.
THAT is allegedly why the "White Helmets" - a group allegedly run by the "Army of Islam" and allegedly funded in part by George Soros concocted an allegedly  phony "Chemical Weapons attack" to give the US a public excuse for bombing Syria says  
NEWSWEEK reports that Mike Pompeo, the CIA director nominated to be secretary of state, told lawmakers Thursday (April 12) that the U.S. killed up to 200 Russians in airstrikes conducted against forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in February.
Prior to Pompeo's statement U.S. officials had remained silent about the number of casualties inflicted by a coalition assault on pro-Syrian government fighters that the Pentagon claimed opened fire on Syrian Democratic Forces in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor. Both a U.S.-led coalition and the Russia-backed forces supportive of Assad are battling the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) in the region, but recent tensions have produced fears of a conflict erupting between Washington and Moscow.
But American mass-media has remained silent about AMERICAN casualties inflicted by Syria and Russia in revenge for those dead Russians, says news outlet in Russia.  
In March, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov strangely commented  "The time of negotiations has passed, the time of retribution has come."  No American media outlet could explain what Lavrov meant by those comments at the time.  Now, with information about 200 dead American troops and 1800 dead American PMC's, we have an idea what he meant.
Russia reports:
"Russia does not intend to tolerate the antics of the United States either in Syria or elsewhere. And believe me, now in Gut more abruptly than in Stalingrad. From there, no live American soldier will leave."

Over the past week, since the alleged "Chemical Attack" in Syria, the US has been publicly saying it would conduct missile strikes upon Syria over the purported use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians.  But it is now becoming clear that the real reason for desiring to attack, is the deaths of 2,000 Americans.
Perhaps if our people were not over in Syria trying to forcibly overthrow its government, they wouldn't have been killed.
Below is video from Russia showing the Russian air strikes on east Ghouta which allegedly killed the Americans

It now appears the powers-that-be here in the US, want to send more of our people to get killed, to avenge those deaths while we were doing something we never should have been doing in the first place.
There is no legal authority for US troops to be in Syria and no US national security interest for the US to have troops in Syria. This entire debacle is a leftover from the adventures of the failed Obama Administration.
Here is the article in Russian

SU-57 bombed Ghouta along with the Americans

По данным сирийских СМИ в Сирии сейчас находиться уже четыре Су-57, которые дружно сравняли с землей восточную Гуту вместе с американскими солдатами. Также сирийские СМИ пишут, что в восточной Гуте находилось до 2000 американских солдат в составе так называемых ВЧК, к этой цифре нужно прибавить еще и натовских солдат, которые непонятно что там делают. Американских боевиков и террористов нужно считать отдельно, их погибло намного больше.
According to Syrian media in Syria is now already four Su-57, which together leveled the Eastern Ghouta, along with the American soldiers. The Syrian media reports that there are up to 2000 American soldiers East Ghouta in the so-called Cheka, NATO troops need to be added to this figure, although it is not clear what they are doing there. American fighters and terrorists is to be considered separately, they lost a lot more.
Теперь уже никто не сомневается, что это месть за 217 русских ребят, которые погибли в результате американского обстрела несколько дней назад
ГОСДЕП пытался дозвониться до Москвы, но там никто не отвечает. Как сказал Лавров в Мюнхене: «время переговоров прошло, пришло время возмездия».
И судя по информационным каналам, это действительно так, терпеть выходки США ни в Сирии , ни другом месте Россия больше не собирается. И поверьте мне, сейчас в Гуте по-круче, чем в Сталинграде. Оттуда не выйдет ни один живой американский солдат.
Госдеп уже заявил, что ему абсолютно нечего противопоставить СУ-57 в воздушном пространстве в Сирии, этот истребитель наиболее совершенный среди других истребителей мира, и это становиться очень большой головной болью американских генералов. Больше им уже сказать нечего, им остается только молча наблюдать.
The story was also carried here:


Су-57 сравняли с землей Восточную Гуту вместе с американскими солдатами, «которых там нет» - около 2000 джи-ай из ЧВК США останутся в земле Сирии навсегда
A Su-57 leveled Eastern Ghouta, along with American soldiers, "that there are" about 2000 U.S Private Military Contractors USA that will remain the land of Syria forever
Su-57 leveled Eastern ghouta, along with the American soldiers, "that there are" about 2000 GI from PMC USA will remain the land of Syria forever
According to Syrian media, Syria is now already four su-57, which together leveled the Eastern ghouta, along with the American soldiers, said the portal wh24. The Syrian media reports that the East Huta was up to 2000 American soldiers in the so-called PMCs, to this figure must be added another, and NATO troops, which it is not clear what to do there. American fighters and terrorists is to be considered separately, they lost a lot more.....

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